Friday, May 15, 2009

Oh, what a day!

Today was a Friday for the books, a Friday to REMEMBER.
We slept late (after I sent the kids to school).
Then we lost our clothes and found each other; there followed some inappropriate touching. Wink Wink.
And theeeennn...
We melted into the motorcycle and wound our way down the long fingers of the coastline and ate delicious seafood in Port Clyde, which is nearly the end of the earth.
I guess I always feel like we're on the edge of the earth because we ARE.
--the Atlantic claws its way into our land, around every corner!
It was a FUCKING gorgeous day, with little patches of fog in pockets but mostly sunny and spring-turns-to-summer-y!
It was luscious, for every sense.
My Love passed a couple of cars and slid carefully between them and an oncoming car.
...after which I flicked him on the thigh to show my displeasure.
Which he acknowledged with a quick duck of the head.
He's so fucking cute!
So then we came home and ran in 3 different directions to get kids and redistribute them in various locations, like baseball practice and hosting a dance as a fundraiser.
And then.
We sauntered off to the Farnsw0rth for a Jam!e Wy.eth exhibit.
Holy shit, peeps.
Can I just share with you how frigging great this place is?
Maine, my home town, THIS PLACE!
Fucking love it.
We have a family of incredible artists who originated around here and have left a far-reaching mark.
So this particular artist had a frigging cool exhibition tonight, a series of paintings each depicting one of the 7 Deadly Sins.
They were incredible!
But one thing I learned was that it's not just in big cities that gallery evenings are...shall we say...filled with pretention and shallowness?
It was almost a caricature, but no, more like a stereotype embodied.
The space was congested, over-filled with eager patrons, leaving Love and I over-stimulated and under-able to appreciate the paintings on the wall.
So we dashed across the street and around a corner and into C@fe Mir@nd@ for some super-duper fabulous mediteranean cuisine...uh...did I just spell that wrong?
Mediterranean...Mediteranean...shit, I'm really slipping.
Well, you get the idea.
That reminds me...
I was getting kinda grouchy last night and sweetest Love slyly steered the conversation toward apostrophe usage in plurals vs. possessive and maaaaaaaaaaaaan, did that cheer me up quick!!!!
It was SO funny...we giggled and giggled.

then I got online and ordered myself a little motorcycle jacket....
Because I've been wearing Love's XL Men's jacket and it's a bit laaaar-ger than I need it to be.
I'm pretty stoked about that.

Today I got my financial aid award letter, so it looks like college is a sure thing for the fall semester!!!!
What a relief! I'm so excited!
Hopefully I'll graduate some year soon.

Another 8:30am baseball game tomorrow....
Who came up with that????
So, then, tomorrow night is a dance performance thingy which should be pretty spectacular, and maybe I'll report upon it....
But, hopefully I'll figure out what to do with Crystal and write some more of that story before the weekend is up.


Unknown said...

Great post.
I still have my motorcycle jacket.
But no motorbike.
But I have a push bike.
But it's not the same thing

Lisa said...

Because you can't wear a motorcycle jacket
while riding a push bike
it would just look foolish
and be too heavy