Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sideways Rain

One of my favorite kinds!
I love the hard, needle-like rain slamming down on the skylight.
I watch the curtains of hazy, flashing water crash against the once-glassy surface of the pond.
The trees are silent today, calm and stoic.
They allow the abuse from above to slide down their bark and seep into the ground below where their thirsty roots are ready to gulp it down.
The rain slows, driving sideways, almost like snow, gently falling, but on a current of invisible wind.

Also, rain means I get to stomp around in my green, turtle-speckled galoshes and duck into my purple rain-proof hooded jacket. makes the flowers grow, or so sang...uh...the chick who was Cosette's foster sister but falls in love with the same guy later and dies in his arms....? Fack. I reviewed this play!! I memorized every song when I was a teenager. Why? Oh why hast thou failed me, memory? Ah. Google, the All-Knowing, tells me it is Eponine...Of course it is. Why couldn't I think of that?

Ok, well, I'm off to see the wizard. do a couple of errands in the rain!
With my Loooove...


Ariel said...

I love Les Mis! :)

Unknown said...

How cute are those boots!

Lisa said...

I would have to answer with a sassy, "So very!", D-man. :)

It is such a beautiful story, isn't it, Ariel? And the songs, oh the songs!

Unknown said...

OMG you are a breath of fresh air in a stale, small, inner-city apartment!! :) Thanks! I love the boots so much it hurts!! Missing you. xo

Mr. L said...

Heh...turtle-speckled galoshes... :)