I can't stop myself from sharing this with you...
I was explaining to my kids why I wouldn't buy them some particular, extravagent toy (can't even remember which one) and growing exasperated.
"Because you don't take care of your crap!" I said.
Hilarious little O said, "You don't care of yours either, Mom, you just flush it down the toilet!"
I'm laughing, but kind of embarassed.
I mean, I have a better vocabulary than THAT!
In light of our shitty economy (see? much better word choice! ha!) I have agreed to having a renter in my house until it sells.
If they pay on time I will be happy to have them there until it sells, and if not, I will be happy to evict them!
What I really hope is that I get an offer on the house before they move in.
And hey, did anyone notice the delicious direction gas prices are heading???
Around here, they have dipped below the $3 mark for the first time in months!
Sure, I'm talking just a few cents under $3, but I'll take it!!
This is more than a dollar less than the gas we were buying at the beginning of summer.
I'm pretty sure I paid $4.50-something per gallon for the moving truck in August.
That kind of makes me want to vomit.
In related news....
I might be starting work again for that software company on Monday--the one for whom I wrote marketing crap.
I mean "marketing shit"...
At the soccer game the other night there was a policeman watching his son in the game and his phone rang....
it was the opening song from Law & Order!!
I couldn't stop giggling.
Lots of big plans for enjoying this lovely 4 day weekend, including:
--watching all 3 Indiana Jones movies
--hiking with my Mom (and the kids and Love)
--picking apples with all of the above
--bike rides
--wishing I would buckle down and get this house organized, including having a lawn sale to get rid of all the extra crap/shit that we have
Oh, I don't know if I mentioned it, cuz I haven't been blogging much, but I had to send my new laptop in to get repaired and I am ecstatic to note that it has been returned and is working well!
I got it in March, used it a little bit through May, then got here and didn't use it at all until about July first, at which point it worked for about two hours then the battery died and wouldn't recharge. I was under the impression that I needed to ahve my warranty in hand in order to arrange for its repair so I grew frustrated and packed the computer away until my return from Utah in August...where I still didn't have the warranty. So I waited another month and then called the place where I bought it and after a 15 minute phone call there was a box being sent to me for shipping it in to the repair center! I'm a dope. I should have called them in July. Ooooooh well.........
Also, I heard through the grapevine that my Ex is getting married in November.
The kids don't even know yet, so I imagine he's not inviting them.
He's an idiot.
I wish the poor girl luck.
He has proclaimed his hatred for and fear of marriage very loudly for the past year, but I guess his little Jesus freak girlfriend wouldn't permit them to stay unmarried any longer.
I scoff at him and pity her, but I don't actually care.
What I do worry about is that if he was so easy to persuade to do this, how easy will it be for her to persuade him to reverse his vasectomy?
Cuz...I'm all for babies, but that man is the SHITTIEST father ever.
He knows he's bad at it and admits to NOT ENJOYING fatherhood.
So will he think the third time's the charm???
Has he decided that the blame lays with both of the mothers of his children and not with himself??
Ok, ok, I'm getting ahead of myself here.
It's just that he was an adament atheist the whole time I knew him, then he meets this chick and BAM--Jesus is our savior and the Bible is the word of god and he's getting the kids bibles for christmas and taking them to church when they visit him and--aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!
Save me.
So my point is, two of his very solid convictions have changed in the last year and I wouldn't be surprised that his new, childless wife would have the power to convince him that god wants them to have babies.
If it's god they love, then god help them.
Don't let me treat her as horribly as he treated me, and don't let her convince him to have more kids.
Thanks for listening....
But now that I've said all that, I think it's highly unlikely that they WON'T have kids so I better just deal with it.
Ok, time to go shave my hoo-hoo.
Have a fabulous day--
Wow! Really, wow.
Those are two HUGE changes.
I think it is telling that he hasn't shared this with your sons, especially since it is next month!
Anyway, enough about him.
I'm so glad to see that you and your family are genuinely and completely happy.
And I look forward to continuing to see what kind of writing a "Happy Lisa" can churn out. I'm wagering that it will be infinitely better than "Not-So-Happy Lisa", although you will have to pull from a different place.
Play nice. :)
Ah what the fuck. This place is for venting, isn't it?
Wow. November. That's like... soon.
Now. Yes. If your house isn't going to sell quickly, then renting is a great way of buying time and still paying the mortgage in the meantime.
Anyway. Enjoy the weekend. Sounds like a lot of fun planned.
The best advice I ever received from my divorce attorney was, "Don't tell the kids what an asshole he is . . . they'll figure it out on their own!" And they did.
Hang in there, Lisa!
Yup, that's my motto, March--too bad the Ex doesn't subscribe to it. He takes pleasure (I'm assuming) from telling them what he calls "The Truth" which really amounts to giving them way more information than is necessary at their age--like the sordid details of why we got divorced. Gah. He's such a doofus.
Weekend going well so far, D-man. :) I will play nice, but I won't always TALK nice!! GRrrrrrr. Hate him.
Yeah, BMW, I have wondered myself about how the creativity will mutate now that I'm so much more content. So far, I'm still finding my equilibrium and not having much creativity at all, but I expect to. It'll be cool to have something to write about other than how unhappy I am!! :)
Yeah, yeah....gas prices coming down...I remember they came down just before the LAST election, and when all the idiots, er, ah, I mean, electorate were stupid enough to vote the oil industry in again, the prices went right back up. It didn't even take a week!
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