Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy Pre-Anniversary to Me!

Two years from today, Love and I will marry,
and every year after that we will marry again.
Partly because it is romantic to renew those ole vows
and partly because we can't narrow it down to just one place--
there are so many beautiful places that are special to us!
I finally uploaded pictures from my Blackberry so I will share them with you now.

This is my AWESOME bike (well, cheapish bike with nice gel seat and clip-in pedals, not pictured)

This is about 1/3 of the total blueberries we picked that afternoon. It was one of the truly golden days of this spectacular summer!

Check out that TREEEE!! Isn't it gorgeous?
I live in paradise, I really do. I took this picture yesterday while out riding my bike.

This is Pemaquid Lighthouse, the picture was taken in early summer when we were riding the motorcycle up the coast and we stopped here for lunch.


Unknown said...

Orsum pics.

Lisa said...

Thanks, man (of the 'd' variety)!

Shar said...

breath taking pictures! I'm eating the blueberries right now, took your AWESOME bike for a spin:) and sad I missed Maine in the fall....oh but I will be back.
Boy oh boy, I am very excited about sharing as many weddings with you as I can!!! ok, I am so excited that I get to buy your 2nd wedding the year 2011 whoot! whoooooooot!