but I'll tell one anyway.
I won't tell the story of the snowman, melting sadly away as the sun touches his frosty curving silhouette.
I won't tell the story of redemption, when a woman is freed from the slavery of her choices.
I can't tell the story of the way my life will find its ending, but I can sleep sweetly in the glow of how it found its happy ending...
My life has just started.
That other part, it was just the warm-up, the practice run.
That wasn't even really real, in some ways.
That was a story I told while I waited for my prince...that story had a tragic and painful ending, but it was just a story and now I'm charging forward into the crisp and perfect reality of dreams coming true.
The sun setting over the ocean...well, technically that doesn't happen here, since we face east, but it sets, and there is ocean, and sometimes if you're positioned just right, on an island or at the tip of a finger of land reaching out into the sea, then
you can sometimes catch the sun sinking down below water.
Or maybe it's just my imagination...
I'm not telling much of a story, am I?
Well, I never was one for meeting expectations, whether I set them for myself or not.
There are worries, sometimes, that claw away at the inside of my ribcage.
They pull the breath out of my lungs and jab a dull knife at my gut from the inside.
These worries come rarely and stay briefly; they know they're not welcome, not needed.
They are uninvited guests, but sometimes a door is opened and they leap through it before it even finishes opening.
They poke at me and growl and I narrow my eyes and spit them out; they are nothing.
The big boys are watching skateboarding videos of San Diego and Albuquerque right now and it's reminding me of Utah...
I still haven't been able to categorize it but it was my home for 15 years, so I guess it's not surprising that I miss it a little.
Only in the way that you miss something that is absent; not in a sentimental way.
Not much, at least.
I have plenty of fond memories there, but it seems strange that I'm finally back Home.
Good thing I have blog-therapy at my disposal...
I love this planet.
Oh yeah... you have an ocean again.
You continually exceed my expectations.
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