I am currently between jobs--
I mean that literally, since my winter job ended and my summer job has not begun, but I do have a summer job lined up.
I am hoping that this little space will give me the breathing room to commit to writing again, but who knows.
In any case, spring is here.
Muddy, grey, cold spring.
It is a very different season than a Utah spring, but I love it.
I love an excuse to wear my green, turtle-covered rain boots!
And I love watching the pond melt.
I am plotting and planning an article for a magazine, even though I should be writing crappy, faux articles for that company I worked for last year.
Just can't find the motivation.
So maybe I won't.
I have ideas, man, ok?
I have ideas for cool articles and I have this super-amazing photographer right handy, by my side.
Soooo....that works out kinda neato.
Tomorrow I'm headin' to the big city (Portland) to try on wedding dresses with one of my very best friends.
We'll be dragging along her 2 little girls (sooooooo cute!) and baby boy (also cute, but less excited by the shopping theme) but I think it'll still be fun.
They are such good kids--so sweet and funny!
Saturday, martini night at another friend's house.
Should be good times.
Ok, seriously, would someone slap me?
Or punch me in the kidney?
Cuz...writing here, every day, is WHAT I NEED.
This feels so good I could just cry.
I've been sticking to my workout routine for the past couple of weeks, so maybe it's time to add another goal: write daily.
I think I can, I think I can...
And then, maybe sometime next year, I'll be able to go to the bathroom by myself, fer chrissakes!
I'm pathetic.
Why is it so hard for me to do such simple things???
Oh well.
I guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself.
It is complicated, after all.
I poured my soul out onto this page for so many years, and I am afraid to become that person again...the person driven by her passions instead of by her reality.
I am finding a balance for the two, but I remain cautious.
I have such joy in my every day life now, that I fear anything which would lead me to lose that.
I need to remember to do my taxes.
I haven't had to do taxes in 10 years.
Damn divorces.
I guess I can write about everything here--even my moments of fear or doubt or sadness...I was vulnerable once, I can do it again.
But I do fear the neurotic overtone of writing incessantly about one's own thoughts and feelings.
So maybe I'll try to keep it mixed up--a bit of a journaling, a bit of story-writing or poetry....
Yes...it just...might...work! I can see the genius of it!
Yup: still weird.
...but what did you expect??
Happy April, my dears.
Writing can be your spring job.
We'll call it..."Mud Season Motivation"...
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